About Us
Victory Academy
- Integrity : Consistently demonstrate Christ-like characters in all aspects of our lives, from the inside-out
- Servanthood: Follow Jesus’ examples of putting the needs and wellbeing of others first
- Stewardship: Discover all potentials that God has given and use them for His glory
- Respect: Respect others as God’s creation by appreciating diversity and uniqueness
- Excellence: To do everything whole-heartedly knowing that we are living for the Lord
Victory Academy uses The ACE curriculum which utilizes a mastery-based and customized learning system.
ACE Builds character through the system by embedding character teaching in the learning units and learning center procedures.
ACE promotes the development of higher order thinking as well as the cultivation of gifts and talents
Project Based Learning
Equipping students with projects and practices to be well prepared for both knowledge and tertiary education
Safe and healthy school environment
Victory Academy provides a safe space that fosters students’ social and emotional growth where judgement and bullying are not tolerate.
Victory Academy also encourages students to stay physically active by incorporating regular physical activities and facilitating the campus for independent motor development.
Victory Academy advocates healthy habits, such as by encouraging students to pack healthy snack, lunches, and drinks to maintain a daily nutritious diet.
Empowering Faithful Partnership: Building a Godly and Knowledgeable Community at Victory Academy
Victory Academy works hand-in-hand with parents, in alignment of vision, in order to build a godly and knowledgeable faith community that advances the cause of The Kingdom through partnership in education
Fostering Holistic Growth: Creating an Optimal Learning Environment for Students
The endeavor is hoped to produce a conductive learning environment necessary for the optimal growth of students-academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
Engage, Support, and Thrive: Year-Round Opportunities for Campus Involvement
Opportunities to support and volunteer in various campus activities, such as field trip and events, are open all year to willing participants.
- “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
- We must need comprehension to understand that knowledge. Knowledge is learning languages that are acceptable to everyone to dismiss personal opinion.
- Strong evidence supports the fact that providing a truly Christian Education for our children is vitally important to developing men and women of Godly character who can make positive impact upon society.
Assigning the level
Closing the gaps at each level will result in conceptual mastery, comprehension, accuracy, and speed to go on to the next level without experiencing psychological strain
Setting the goal
This will help students make decisions about the goals of each session and help them refine the daily tactics they use, while still paying attention to the completion of the material as a whole
Providing motivation and control
Merits are used as positive motivation to accomplish goals and demonstrate Godly character traits
Determining measurement
The pupil’s learning must be measured, which relates to accountability.
Ascribing rewards
The pupil’s learning receives recognition and reward for its effort and significance.
Integration of Biblical Principle
A God-Centered, theistic philosophy is build into PACE, where principles of Godly character and illustration of desired character are sequenced. Refusing to acknowledge action, regardless of its legitimacy, but then looking for a problem or discomfort later. Tools: Scripture Truths and Memorization.
Godly Character Training
Godly character training, through the lives of the students who relate to the various characters and want to emulate their good character qualities. Tool: Character Strips
Mastery – Based Learning
Mastery Based Learning, each student is required to master each fundamental tool before proceeding to new material. The student builds confidence as he gains a firm understanding of sequential foundation skills. A student’s academic problem usually : reading, mathematics, and then language. Solid foundations must be established. If the students builds a good base in reading, language, and mathematics skills, he can usually achieve independently in later years. Tool: PACEs
Built-In reinforced system of learning
Built-In Reinforced System of Learning : The child is guided into right thinking including logic and biblical principles. Periodically throughout a Pace, Checkups are presented to recall what has just studied. A self test is presented, providing the student an opportunity what he has learned. Pace test will be taken under supervision. All tools have proven to be a sound and effective means of ensuring mastery of academic material. Tools: Checkup, Self Test, Pace Test
Individualized learning
Individualized Learning by taking PACEs at their own rate without being pressured to keep up with a group. Tool: PACEs
Development of critical thinking skills
Development of Critical Thinking Skills through knowledge, comprehensions, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Tools: School’s schedule and activities, PACE
Socialization through devotions, physical education, privilege breaks, music classes, sports and field trips. Tools : School’s schedule
- Laying a strong foundation of faith through a BIBLICALLY-BASED ACE CURRICULUM.
- Instilling solid knowledge through a MASTERY-BASED LEARNING SYSTEM.
- Promoting GODLY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT through the ACE Learning Center Procedures.
- Developing higher order thinking skills for GIFT & TALENT DEVELOPMENT through the Student Convention.