Victory Academy is a Day School where children must come to school every day and take part in a whole range of Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities offered throughout the week.
Co-curricular Programs offered include: Sports & Athletics, Arts & Crafts, STEM, IT, AI, and the Boys’ Brigade.
Extracurricular Programs offered include: Visual Arts, Dance, Basketball, Public Speaking, Robotics, Praise & Worship, Vocal (Choir), Music (Band), and Photography.
In the multi-grade classrooms, students are grouped according to their age:
However, not every individual student will be at the same subject/course level, depending upon their ability, speed, and most importantly, the Diagnostic Test (placement test) result.
Students study independently at most times, and they receive instructions mainly from the reading materials (PACEs).
When a student needs specific academic help, he or she will be assisted by his/her Supervisor for that particular need. Otherwise, he/she may proceed according to the goals he/she has set for the day. This way, students do not have to wait for their peers if they are able to accelerate through their materials.
On the other hand, this method of learning allows for slower students to proceed at a lower speed (with a consequence of a later graduation).
At the beginning of each year, Supervisors make a projection of how many PACEs (and pages) a student needs to complete within that new academic year. Based on that projection, students are taught to break down their yearly goals into daily goals. Every morning when students arrive, they would write their daily goals (how many pages they want to complete in each subject that day) on Goal Cards.
At the beginning of each year, Supervisors make a projection of how many PACEs (and pages) a student needs to complete within that new academic year. Based on that projection, students are taught to break down their yearly goals into daily goals. Every morning when students arrive, they would write their daily goals (how many pages they want to complete in each subject that day) on Goal Cards.